Thursday, March 8, 2012

Random List of Thoughts and Kony 2012

So I always think of great things to blog about when I am in the shower, but by the time I get out I cannot remember what they were. This makes me sad sometimes.

One thing I wanted to blog about is shampoo. Has anyone heard of going shampoo free? You google it and there are tons of blogs and sites about being "poo free." Well, since I switched shampoos to sulfate-free shampoo I have had some hair issues. I originally was using a simple shampoo I guess you could call it. It is just shampoo and nothing fancy. No "extra moisture" "friz free" or such thing. Well, after using it for a bit my hair started to get greasy. Not the typical, have not washed my hair in a few days oily, but full on greasy. The first three inches or so at least. I switched to a fancier shampoo which is still sulfate free.

My hair is still getting a little gross. Now, it is not horrible or anything and as long as I am showering daily it does not seem visible. But, how this relates to going "poo-free" is they talk about the fact that the sulfates are detergents. I have learned that there are harmful and non-harmful sulfates and the shampoo I am using does still have a form of sulfate in it. The various detergents are what strip your hair of the natural oils. People who I have found reviewing going without shampoo all talk about having a de-tox kind of period where their hair gets really gross for a bit then evens out and is way better than before. My hypothesis is that the sulfate-free shampoo has less detergent in it which is not stripping my hair of the oils so my hair is currently over producing still and will hopefully even out and make my hair gorgeous! Any thoughts about this???

Oh, and another thing to blog about... Kony 2012. Now, I am not a political person in any way really and do not get on my soap box about a lot. This morning I saw a bunch of Facebook posts which prompted me to watch a video about Kony 2012 so I did. First, before even mentioning anything about Kony himself in this post, I would like to point out that the video states in the beginning that this is an experiment. Guess what? His experiment is working. (Here is the video if you were wondering.)

From what I got out of the video is the experiment is to broadcast this out there and to get it to spread through Facebook. Let me say this is spreading faster than standing brooms!!! The experiment is working. It is a little sad if you think about it since Facebook is now our news source and gets word about things out faster than any news source. So, his experiment is working and the word is getting out there and spreading.

Now, as far as the message, yes, I think it is a good one. Is it the only one of the same kind that should be spread? No. But yes, this deserves to be viral and shared. I am one for looking at our own problems before pointing out those of others and will begin a debate about the commercials for feeding the youth of every other country for just cents a day if prompted in daily conversation. We have a lot of starving children in our own country and I think we should take care of our own before sending our money elsewhere.

See, there I go... anyway, I think someone finally got smart and realized how to use the quick spreading of Facebook information for a great reason! So, I am going to take it beyond Facebook and spread the word on my blog too.

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