Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Cleaning the Closet

Tomorrow teachers go back to work meaning today is officially the last day of summer. It is a sad and exciting occasion. My goal today was to get the house in complete order so that hopefully it can survive the next few weeks of pure exhaustion... I'm still working on the order part...

This morning I did get up and go workout at 5:30. I often wonder why I don't go to a later class, especially since I now know there is one at 9:15!!! ugh... But then I go and workout with our group of people and I like them. It is a small group and I have gotten to know more of them and the biggest thing is that I KNOW none of them judge me and my lack of ability. They may judge my being a wimp, but not my actual lack of ability. They are also all there to support me. When I go extra late on my workout there are a few that will stand by and cheer me on, even when everyone has to leave for work. I'm sure the afternoon classes have the same vibe after you get to know everyone, but I like the 5:30 group darn it! So, I go.

After my workout, shower, and nap, I decided to get going on my goal of a clean house. First? The laundry! Turns out I have either lost a bunch of it or I really wasn't as behind as I thought. I actually don't even have a complete load to wash. So I spent my time putting all the clean stuff away that has been housed in baskets in various states of folding. Heck, I even emptied the dresser and rearranged. I went through the closet and dresser and pulled out all the clothes I am not really attached to or just haven't worn in awhile. For example: the black dress purchased in 2011 that has been worn once and my chest is large enough I will not be wearing it again. And all those shirts that were tight on my arms? Don't think working out is going to help that issue. So I posted some in a local group on Facebook to sell and the rest all went in a box and bag to go to Goodwill.

I put all but one pair of dress pants in the box to go. *GASP* That leaves me with one pair of dress pants. Have no fear, I have a plan. Today I weighed myself and I'm down to 177. That's still a downward trend... So, the current plan is to take some of the extra money I'm putting towards student loans (now that I don't have to put it towards credit cards) and go on a shopping spree. At this rate I should be back down in size by Labor Day weekend as originally planned so I won't feel bad about finally spending the money. I also saw the shape some of my clothes were in and thought about how long I have had some of them... it is time.

So today I may not have done much else, but by golly, my closet is ready for me to drop a few more pounds and go shopping in a couple of weeks!

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