Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Monday kind of Wednesday and Babbling

Ok, first off… I’m watching Portlandia. I’m babysitting, need to stay up till 1am or so, it is on Netflix and someone said something about it this past weekend. I’m just now getting to the credits and their little song about the “Dream of the 90’s is alive in Portland” already makes me interested. LOL

All right, so today was a busy day, and I have to remind myself that it is NOT Monday! Today was the first day back to school and I was called in to sub for the rest of the week. I had to wake up and like shower and get dressed and all that all before 7:30. I do not have to “report,” at the latest, until 7:45, but I stress about being late for things. It was such a Monday kind of day.

I am pretty excited though because I am acting as a substitute teacher’s aide in a special education classroom where the teacher last time let me do things! Now, for anyone who has ever been a substitute you know how boring it really can be. Part of the job description is something about carrying on with lesson plans the teacher leaves to keep the learning continuous while the teacher is gone, but seriously? That would make the job a whole lot better if that actually happened. I typically get tests, movies, worksheets, silent reading, group reading, test reviews, and busy work. Last April I started crocheting a blanket which I thought I would never finish, but it has become my “substitute blanket” and is a good three feet long now and it pretty much only gets brought out when I am subbing.

This morning was not as exciting as I thought it would be, but it was no “silent reading” kind of day, it was a “make a ton of copies” day! And in the afternoon I got to replace another aide who had to leave early.

[Side note: Episode 1 of Portlandia just finished. I will not be watching more episodes of that. I instead moved onto How I Met Your Mother… episode 1… ]

After school I picked up my nephew from school. My sis is out of town for the night and he gets picked up after about an hour on Wednesdays to go to his Dad’s. He was in a sad kind of mood and so we sat and talked for a good half hour and then I chatted with his Dad’s girlfriend who picks him up. Then I got ready…

Last month I started a home income business (let me know if you’re interested…) and had a webcast to prep for at 5:30 and a friend to contact to make sure she is still joining me for the webcast. Well, the lady who is training me did not show up on time and I called her only to get her answering machine. So I left a message and spent 45 minutes catching up with an old friend, the one the webcast was for. Then I got a call and turns out, told the helpful woman the wrong time!!! Stupid time zones…

Presentation went off without a hitch, but took awhile. Since it started late I was running late for the dinner that was supposed to be at 6.  I knew I would already be late, but still, it was later than planned. Because I multitask I also had gotten word that the family I am an on-call babysitter for needed me tonight at 8pm. Let us just say that was the fastest dinner I ever had. I think I got it all down in less than five minutes!

And here I am… babysitting. It has been a long day and a longer night. Even though there are two baby monitors in their living room the parents do not really want you to sleep when babysitting. So here I am, adding to my blog that so far, nobody reads and watching shows on Netflix. (They do not have cable or anything….)

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