Sunday, February 5, 2012

As my visit, and week 5, comes to an end...

Staying at my sister's is not as bad as I thought it would be, I accomplished my main goal for coming and hopefully it will help later too. I also managed to stick with my resolutions, create a new one, and feel pretty good about myself. I did slip up once, but I cannot really call it a slip up. I look at it as product testing. So for my home income opprotunity I feel like I need to know what I have available to buy as a customer and since my sister is also a customer she had more products which I tried out. Two of them are pretty good things to buy in my opinion and had I not started this no processed sugar thing I would buy them myself. The first is a bar to block hunger cravings; really good and satisfying... unless you have not had sugar in weeks. I really think that the sugar in them is what caused me to actually be hungry for the rest of the night. I was not hungry, hungry and definitely not right away, but I just did not feel satisfied for very long. The other is a bar which has this cool technology in it which will block your body from burning recently eaten stuff and instead access your stored fat supplies. It too had sugar in it, but less than the other bar. They are both delicious tasting to a point. I feel that they would be good if my diet still contained sugar, but to me I can taste the sugar in them and it just is not worth it to me. Your taste buds really do change when you give up sugar.

So tomorrow morning I will head to the airport to fly back to the Midwest. I know it really is not a long day of traveling, but the time change is going to bother me a little with shifting me back into waking up two hours earlier. I am excited about getting back, I have a lot to work on with job applications being up there on the list of priorities! I have got to get started on those now that teaching jobs are popping up more and more each day.

Tomorrow also marks a new week of the year, Week 6. I have NO clue once again what I am going to do for a resolution for next week. I did have a friend suggest using one of these instead of pads or tampons which I already use rarely since I use these. Only I was a little put off in the differences in shape and such. But I also just noticed that instead has reusable ones?! I will have to look into them some more since I never found that when doing research. But, I also will not have to worry about this for another month now and I feel like I need to make a resolution that is pertinent this week, not next month. Any ideas??

PS I had 6 hits on my blog today. I am not sure if it would be because I put it on StumbleUpon or what, but I feel like I am famous with my 6 hits in one day!

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