Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ending the week with some juice!

First question... Next weeks resolution, what should it be? Keep a food/exercise diary? No more drinking straws? Any suggestions? I have until tomorrow night to decide.

So, the week is almost over and I feel I should do a quick recap of the week's progress.

The sugar thing is going good. I went to a baby shower today and turned down all the candy they had, the chocolate dipped pretzels, and the cake! I did bring home a baggie of candy and a pretzel for when my boyfriend gets back, but otherwise, it has not been a problem this week. It also helped that none of it sounds good and the cake looked like it would not have been worth it. I do want some ice cream though! I shall look up some recipes tonight because this coming week will probably be an ice cream kind of week.

Plastic bags are gone. It is a challenge sometimes when I want to quick run to the store and grab stuff but do not have my bags. But, when this happens I just buy less and only what I can carry.

I needed a take out container this week, but I did not use one! On Wednesday I took my boyfriend to the city so he could stay with a friend and go to the airport the next morning. I was babysitting my nephew so we all did the road trip and met our friend for dinner. My nephew only ate a quarter of his small pizza and I knew he would probably get hungry on the ride home. In preparation for this I brought along a glad-ware container. My purse is kind of small though so I left it in the car and when the time came my boyfriend watched to see what I would do. I put the left over pizza on a napkin and carried it to the car where I then put it in the container and had it handy when two minutes on the road the nephew was hungry. Turns out he was not really hungry, he wanted some of my hot fries I had picked up on the way which I would not let him have.

Portion control is doing alright. I went to an all you can eat fish fry on Friday and could have eaten less fish and hush puppies, but otherwise I feel like I have been doing a decent job keeping portions in check.

I cannot think of a new recipe I did this week!!!! I guess I need to whip something up by midnight... good thing I was planning on using my new juicer tonight!!! (more on that in a minute)

Working out has proved slightly difficult. I had a crazy week and worked out at least twice. I think I did do a walk on Sunday too. I have been trying to work on the couch to 5k running plan, but with the new job I just do not feel like running or working out after being on concrete floors for hours on end. I really need to find some stars or stickers or something to get my star chart going...

Since I only need to record my measurements on Sundays I am doing pretty good on that. I feel like I am losing inches during and after my run. I do not know why, but when I get in even a tiny workout routine I feel like I drop some unnecessary fat even if I do not drop pounds. In the past I have not done my measurements so it will be interesting to see if I really am shedding the inches.

And the pesky contacts... Only on Thursday night did I not take out my contacts. After a day at work and then 4 hours of driving I really did not want to run to my boyfriend's apartment to get my glasses so I could take out my contacts. I did take them out on Friday night and threw them away.

Oh, and Lenten special... So after writing a blog post about Lent and what I am doing for lent, I almost slept through church on Ash Wednesday! I made plans to attend with my friend in the morning at 8:15. By Tuesday night I forgot. I had a feeling I was supposed to get up, but could not think of why. My friend called at 7:25am to ask if I was still going and so I made it on time. I also abstained from meat on both Wednesday and Friday which I think my current obsession with mac-n-cheese and grilled cheese helped out with that. Now, I just have to make sure I get up tomorrow and go.

Today was a good day. A long time ago I used to coach a color guard group. No, not the ones that march in with the American flag for the anthem, but the ones with the marching band. (only not that hardcore) One of the girls who was in my color guard is having a baby! So I drove the hour and a half to her baby shower to see her. I have not gotten to see her in about 3 years so it was nice. Then, on the way home I stopped to visit my ex's sister. She and I have kept in touch over the years and Friday she gave birth to her fourth kid. So I stopped by on my way home and held the baby and caught up with her, her husband, and the other kids. I had to giggle a little when I went to leave and her husband came up and gave me a big hug. I made a comment about him missing me and he said he misses me a lot and they say all the time how much they wish it was me that had married her brother instead of the girl he knocked up after we broke up. I told them I do not wish that at all. I am very thankful I got out of that when I did and wish maybe I would have come to my senses a little sooner. But, apparently the whole family still misses me some and ask about me. Someday I should probably stop by to say hi to his parents, but I do not miss them enough to make the trip just for them. Plus, that is just a little awkward. 

Oh, the juicer. So, in my post about my Valentine's gift I talked about how my dad's cousin was sending me her Jack Lalanne juicer. I did not know she was sending me the pro version that costs approximately $150!! Only after she sent it did she find the tool to remove the blade for cleaning though so I have not gotten to use it yet. The tool came in on Friday and by the time I knew about it I was too tired to go out and get fruit or to even clean the juicer properly. Tonight though, I think I need to fire it up and test it out. I also just stopped to buy $30 worth of fruit to juice/eat. The store had a sale on fruit. I will update tomorrow on how it goes, but do not forget to leave a comment with some resolution ideas!!!

Recipe: Lemonade
   2 lemons + 2 granny smith apples + some water= SOUR lemonade
Good, but sour! I would add some sugar to this if I could. The apple was supposed to help with that part I think, but I picked up granny smiths since I do not like normal apple juice. I think Fuji apples might be the next ones to try this recipe with.

Check tomorrow's post for an initial review of the juicer.

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