So, I added up the number of days that I did exercise for at least 30 minutes! In the month of August with school starting and getting back into a routine and a crazy diet I managed 21 days of exercise. That's 68% of the days. I remember in college when I rewarded myself for 15 days and I just blew that out of the water. Last week I worked out 6 of the 7 days! This week I was doing pretty good until getting just plain worn out and have 3/4 days. Tomorrow is undecided... Monday is a holiday and the gym is closed. Plus I'm going out of town for the weekend and although will hopefully get to walk around a lot and hopefully do some shopping, I won't be able to really do my workouts or treadmill time. I still need to pack though and it is either get up early and pack or pack in a rush after school as I'm late to leave. I will probably do both but that means treadmill time because there is no way I'm making it to the gym AND getting any packing in... out of bed at 4 am is just crazy talk.
I'm also pretty sure I'm fighting off something. My ears and jaw are bothering me along with just being wiped out. So I figure it is better to slack off for a few days to make sure I can fight off whatever this is. Last thing I need is to get sick and then not be able to work out at all. I'm just starting to really enjoy it. I've found a gym I like. I like challenging myself to see if I can finish the workouts. I have a good trivia podcast I like to listen to. I am liking it. It is helping me I think too. Now if only the house and laundry would clean themselves...
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