So I have thought a lot about what to make this week's resolution and decided on portion control. Beginning this week I will pay more attention to the amount of food I eat. This came after eating a lot of pizza when we went out on Friday night and then eating an entire, HUGE bowl of pasta and chicken at Olive Garden on Saturday. In defense I think both were my only "meal" for that day, the rest was just a snack. I have not been eating a lot so I have not felt too bad about one big meal, but I feel like I should also eat more of a variety. If I eat smaller portions maybe I will eat more small portions of variety. It will also be different because fixing up these varied portions will take more time so I will be more likely to just eat less to start with. I am banking on my laziness.
I have decided though after watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly dead last night that I will not limit fresh fruit and veggies. I adore fruit and would eat more of it if there was more of a selection around town. Frozen fruit just does not taste the same and I really am not a big fan of it so it has to be fresh.
I really want to lose some weight. As I talked about it in my last post, I am not obese or all that fat in anyone's opinion, including my own. But I have seen so many overweight people and think to myself, "how can they let themselves get there?" I am not talking about those that are just a little overweight or so, but I mean those that are in wheelchairs because they are so big and their body cannot handle it. Or the ones who are stuck in their house or bed because they are so big. I am sorry, but if you cannot wipe your own butt, you are too big and unless you have a medical condition that makes it impossible for you to lose weight, there should be something you can do to prevent your weight from getting that far out of control. I believe you just really have to want to do it. Phil from Fat, Sick, and Nearly dead is an example of that along with the Biggest Loser. People can lose the weight, but you have to want to and you have to stick to your plan.
A long time ago though, I came up with a weight in my mind that I never really want to be over. This weight is, in my mind, the beginning of an unhealthy weight for me and if I ever reach it, I will do EVERY thing possible to get below it again. That said, I also have an ideal weight in my head that I feel would be a healthy weight and then my "dream" weight which would be AMAZING, but I do not feel I need to be there to be healthy and happy. With that said, I am about 10 lbs from my dreaded weight and I feel like I should start doing something now about it.
I wanted to make a resolution about working out more, or training for a 5k, or something bigger like that, but I am going to visit my sister in the Northwest for 10 days starting on Tuesday so I would not be able to stick to any of those this week, or next. The biggest thing about making resolutions that work is to make ones that are possible, do not set yourself up for failure. So this week I am going with the portion control and in the next month or so I will probably add more that are more vigorous in the weight gain area.
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