Tuesday, January 3, 2012


So I slipped up. Sometimes finding snack foods and such at my sister's house can be a problem. But, it's not like I went for a cookie or some of the candy left over from Christmas... I ate a pack of graham crackers instead. Probably wouldn't be as humiliating if it was a few, but you know how in a box of graham crackers there are three packs... ate a whole one of those with milk. Made sure it was just the honey grahams (totally made with sugar and not honey!) and not the amazing ones covered in cinnamon and sugar.

And then my sister tricked me! After I finished my dinner tonight she brought out the pumpkin pie and I resisted, but it came up in the conversation that she put sugar in the carrots. :( She does this a lot! It drives me up the wall. My nephew will eat cooked carrots with out it, they taste pretty much the same, and sugar is horrible for you... why put it on carrots?!?!?!

Otherwise, I've been good. I also learned that instead of creating diets based on what you can't have, "sugar-free!," "low carb!," "low fat!," etc., they should be named after what you can have... "all the healthy foods you want diet!" And I think that's what I'm going to call it from now on... I'm not giving up sugar, I'm eating all the unsweetened healthy foods I want.

Still looking for next week's resolution. So far the list contains the following options:
Start a compost pile (kinda waiting until spring when it's a little warmer)
Plant a garden (also a spring thing)
Reusable Grocery Bags (no more plastic bags!!!)
Exercise more regularly
Get into running more (not the same as working out... this one is building up to a 5k again)
Minimal Fast Food Wrapping
Minimal Fast Food (I already REFUSE to eat McDonalds!!!)

Unless things change, I'm thinking the plastic bag one may be the winner for next week. It's something I already try to do, but this one would be pulling out all the stops and being more vocal and refuse bags in situations like I experienced last week...

I went to Wal-Mart and brought my reusable bag. My favorite bag ever I might add... a nice pink bag supporting breast cancer research I picked up at Safeway back when I actually lived by a Safeway... I digress...
I went to Wal-Mart to get some random things and grab a side for dinner that evening. I ended up with some frozen veggie mixes that were on sale, more yarn for my blanket, and some other random things. When approaching the check out line, I chose an express lane and politely tell the lady that I brought my own bag. (I also used the bag instead of an annoying basket!) She rings up my veggies and such and then takes a brand new plastic bag and places it on top of my frozen veggies to keep my yarn from getting wet/cold. I told her it wasn't necessary because I was just going a short distance and then taking it all out, but no, she did it anyway!!! I wasn't in the mood to argue, this resolution would make me in the mood to argue every time!

The part I have been thinking about though is the fact that I still buy things already in plastic bags. Will I be trying to weed these out too? Or do those not count? I don't really feel like I buy too many things in bags already, but I hate the fact that they can't even be recycled where I live. Maybe this will become a resolution itself at a later time like when I can have a garden and produce and such and rely less on frozen foods and other foods that come in plastic bags.

But this week 2 resolution means I need to start making my reusable produce bags! :D

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