So I am kind of doing an easy one this week. I really have not been eating out as much, at least not enough where there is food to bring back. Yes I ate out for my birthday and felt horribly guilty as the waitress handed me a Styrofoam container to bring my leftovers home in. So, here is the new plan... any time I go out to eat I need to find another way to bring home left overs. The easy answer would be, bring my own container that is reusable. But, if it comes down to it, maybe just some tin foil?
In other news, the sugar free thing has been going good. I broke down and ate more graham crackers the other day. I was so hungry and at my sister's house the other day and there was nothing else to eat besides fruit roll ups packed with high fructose corn syrup or some nasty pop tarts. And, I ate some pop tarts just before new years, otherwise I have not eaten pop tarts in a long time. The frosting is just too much for me and the un-frosted ones are just gross. I did discover the BEST fruit dip of all time!!! It is slightly cheating, but not really... here is the nutrition facts for the pudding I used.
1 small box of instant vanilla pudding (sugar free)
1 half pint of whipping cream
16 oz of plain yogurt
Whip the whipping cream until soft peaks form. Add in yogurt and pudding mix. Mix until combined. Serve. Refrigerate leftovers.
Best with grapes, cantaloupe, and honey crisp apples. Along with kiwi, honeydew melon, blackberries, strawberries, and any other fruit you can think of! Also amazing by itself.
The original recipe said it was sugar free and used regular pudding and cool whip. Now, I would like to point out that regular vanilla pudding has 16g of sugars in it, and I did not even bother to figure out what kind of sugar. The sugar free one "contains less than 2%" of the sweeteners and the sugars are listed as 0g. And then cool whip?!?! Seriously... it is whipped high fructose corn syrup!!! I was disappointed...
I also survived a trip to the store buying tons of fruit for this fruit dip, with out using any plastic bags! I was proud of myself. So, the new year's resolutions are going good.
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