Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 7: Keep Track... and some on Valentine's Day

Ok, so first, this was our Valentine's Day. Well, not just a day, but the weekend. We got to do nothing! It was awesome and just what I wanted. My boyfriend and I talked about going somewhere for the weekend which turned into why not just get a room with a pool in town? Then we realized none of the hotels in town have a decent pool so what was the point on spending money to sleep in an uncomfortable bed? So we stayed at his apartment and watched netflix. I loved every minute of it! We have been busy every weekend since Thanksgiving I think with me gone, visiting his family, going to birthday parties out of town, and all the other normal social obligations. And, now that he has his dream job of working from home as a booking agent, he gets up around 9am and works from his desk all day being interrupted by e-mails and calls at random times throughout the day. So even if I do not have to sub, he typically has stuff to work on anyway. The weekend alone of doing nothing was nice. We slept about 10 hours both Friday and Saturday night along with me sleeping through "Mars Needs Moms" this afternoon. He picked it while I was already half asleep.

As for gifts, I am broke. The lack of a real paycheck this month has set me back a little and he will probably get a gift next month if any. He wanted to buy me something though which came up from the weekend away. I was half joking and told him we could just stay home and he could instead spend the money to buy me a Nook Tablet. I love books though and feel I would only really want it for the tablet part along with the fact that I like physical books, would be afraid to take it substituting with me, and I one day hope to have a bookshelf full of books in my house. He said he would though if I really wanted since that was probably what he was going to spend on a weekend out of town. I then settled on a juicer.

Another strange sounding gift I know, but a practical one too. I watched the Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead movie and while I was gone he watched it too. So we both kind of want a juicer to make juice with and to my surprise, he wants to do the juice fast!!! Only for like 10 days, but this is coming from the guy who I had to struggle to keep on a gluten free diet for a week! So I told him that if it was closer to summer when we could get fresh, local produce easier and have more of a selection I would do it with him. I feel winter is not ideal juice time. So in my card I got a "gift certificate for one juicer." Well in our hunt for juicers yesterday I found something interesting on Macy's website about a juicer... it will ship typically in 32 days or less. So I posted something about this on facebook and in the morning I woke up to a text message from my dad's cousin. She has a Jack Lalanne juicer that she does not use and would like to see it go to a good home. She is going to ship it to me for free! We are excited!!!! Wish I would have known this awesome woman when I was younger, but that is a long story of my huge family. Well, then with no gift to buy me, my boyfriend and I went back to the thinking board about what he could get me. Then I brought up my resolution for this week!

This week ties in a little with last week and will hold me accountable for last week's exercise resolution too. Especially since I failed and only worked out twice. Let us just say my sister's house is a huge mess right now and being there is not really enjoyable for me so working out in the basement sucks. This week's resolution is to keep track of my measurements. So I will be tracking body measurements to see how the diet and exercise change my body over time. Am I expecting to see huge results? No. I just want to know what is going on and if anything is changing.

That is when the Valentine's Day gift idea came to me. A bathroom scale! I know, I am probably the only girl who was excited to get a bathroom scale from her boyfriend for Valentine's Day, but I am weird like that some times. It is practical, helps me reach my goals, and he can use it too. His actual response to getting on the scale was something along the lines of "I am fat." So this could be useful for both of us. Me on the other hand, I knew about where I was and actually think I lost a pound or two since I last weighed myself.

So, measurements will be posted soon!

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