So I typically do not do the whole chain mail kind of e-mails, posts on facebook, or any other sort of thing similar to this but an old friend of mine, Amanda tagged me and so I figured why not. If she was going to take the time to think of me, I will return the favor.
Starting with 11 facts about myself:
- I never thought I would ever make it past the third grade. In first grade I got the feeling that 3rd grade would just be way too hard for me and I would never pass it. Turns out it was not too hard.
- Independence is my thing! I like to think of myself as very independent and can stand up for myself. Do I all the time? No. But I know I can when I need to.
- The idea of having kids scares me. I go back and forth between wanting them someday and not. then I bounce back and forth between having my own, or adopting. I am not too worried, I still have plenty of time to figure this out.
- I went to college in Hawaii for my bachelors and miss it a lot!
- I am creative and have many talents.
- If you tell me I cannot do something it makes me want to do it more. Cannot in the sense of physically, especially if it is because I am a girl.
- Organizational skills is something I really try to work on, but it never seems to help. I have a planner, a google calendar, and an iPod touch all to keep track of my schedule and I still struggle.
- Living with my sister sucks. I would much rather be living on my own again but have no money or stable job that allows me to cover student loans and an apartment.
- I have a doggie! Her name is Kia and she is a dog that just wandered out of the woods one day. I adore her and wish that she did not have to live at my sister's house either. She likes the other dogs, but there are now 4 others and she is more of a lone dog.
- My stress levels are something I learned to lower a long time ago. I broke out with dyshidrotic eczema a couple years ago and I feel it was triggered by stress. How did I lower my stress levels? I just stopped caring. All the little things and things beyond my control are not something I worry about anymore.
- And a strange one... When I was 5ish we went to Florida to visit my aunt and uncle who had recently adopted two kids who were about my sisters' ages. While there we of course went to the beach and my dad told us to be careful because he saw jellyfish and they will sting people. All my life I had grown up only seeing bass, sunfish, perch, catfish, etc. So, when he said jelly fish I had NO clue and pictured a strange looking sunfish with long spines on the fins kind of like a catfish. I have since learned what a jelly fish really looks like but some how missed going to the beach in Hawaii when they were around.
And her questions for me:
- What makes you happy? A lot of things make me happy. The big one right now is when I go in to substitute teach and students are excited to have me as a teacher and think I am awesome at helping them with homework they do not understand. It helps me remember why I spent all that money on becoming a teacher.
- What can you never get enough of? Sleep. I am ALWAYS tired. Someday I plan on having an ALCAT test done to see if I can find out why. If I skimp on less than 8-9 hours for a few nights I end up really sick with a head cold/sinus problems.
- What's your favorite time of the day? Mornings! I know, I am strange, but it is the one time I can wake up and be productive; by one-ish I will be dragging again.
- What's your favorite time of the year? WINTER!!! I know, a girl who loves winter and snow went to Hawaii for college and would love to go back.
- Is there a time in your life you wish you could live over? 14. On my 15th birthday my friends thought I was nuts as I cried on our walk to school. I tried to tell them that next would be 16 and I would have all the responsibilities of a car. Next would come college and bills and being on my own and all sorts of things I did not want to deal with. I saw it all coming! ... Oh, and on my friend's 20th birthday she called me crying because I was right all those years ago and she wished she could go back.
- Something you have seen in the last 24 hours that is beautiful. Snow. Peaceful, white, drifting down from the heavens, snow.
- Something you wish you did more of. Social things. Like community social things where everyone meets everyone, especially sports. I moved from a tiny town with no children's activities to a town where everyone had at least played soccer from age 4. They were not very welcoming, especially to someone who had never heard of soccer before. I feel most of the town is still that way and I am a little intimidated to just go join a random team of people who already know everyone.
- Something that you do really well. Cook. I feel I can cook if I really want to. I am too lazy most of the time, but I can do a big feast like you have never seen before if I have the time and energy.
- Something you've made that you are proud of. My life. I have done a lot with my life and I am very proud of it. Right now I am not exactly where I want to be, but it is hard to look back at all the things I have done and believe that I am still so young.
- You just won a free trip to anywhere in the world. Where do you go? Russia or a tiny Pacific Island. I have always been fascinated by Russia for some reason and then I have learned that every island is linked by similar traits, yet so different at the same time.
- What celebrity do you think you could be good friends with given the chance? I used to have one and if I see her in a movie I would know it right off the bat. There is one actress who I feel is very much herself in a lot of ways and that she would just be someone really great to know and be friends with. But sadly I cannot think of her name right now!
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