Monday, March 12, 2018

A lot on my mind and plate...

So married life is going and is CRAZY busy.
Teaching life is going and is CRAZY busy.
I'm not sure what other life I have right now... or any life in general...

Since September I have been commuting over an hour to work and then back again at the end of the day. Instead of driving I opted for taking a bus to Union Station and then a train to the station nearest school. Usually I just leave my car there during the week so I can drive all over. This means the hubby has to wake up and get me to the bus stop by 6am and pick me up in the evenings. The original idea was that he would drop me off and then go to the gym for a bit so he wouldn't have to go all the way back home. Then when he gets done at work he can just swing by and get me. Let's just say it only works on an ideal scheduled day and my days are not all ideally scheduled.

Work is chaos as any day with 8th graders can be. I also think a lot of it has to do with my lack of caring right now. I just don't have my whole heart in it right now. This seems to be common every year around this time. It is a long haul after testing is done spring break! Testing starts next week and spring break is right after.... just need a break!

I haven't had a chance to get to the gym lately. I haven't been eating the best. I have a poor attitude because of both. The poor attitude makes me want to stress eat more and avoid exercise. This is a vicious cycle and I need to snap out of it! I have so many things I want to do and am excited about yet things just keep getting in the way and filling my time.

Speaking of filling my time... back to the SAT prep course I'm helping to teach so I can get out of here and on the train at a decent time. Thought I'd give an update and let the whole world (of one or two readers) know what is going on and why I am thinking of taking up blogging again but it might come in short, choppy, thoughts of posts.

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