My test results came! My test results came!
I had the ALCAT test done again (3 years ago was the last time) and the results have arrived at the Dr.'s office! I will go pick them up tomorrow but the email letting me know they are in did say that I show an issue with Candida. Commence Googling!
This link has a whole bunch of symptoms but the ones I do have would include: Irritability (especially when I'm sleepy), persistent extreme fatigue (I nap a LOT), acne, athlete's foot (got my first ever infection just in the last week or so), food sensitivities, inability to lose weight, heart palpitations, muscle aches and stiffness (the last few might be from working out).
So in all my research about what to do for it I have come to the conclusion that I HAVE to cut out sugar again. No more. Zero. I will keep fruit but will keep the intake in check for about a month (will be difficult in the middle of peach season) but the jury is out on fruit sugars since many sites conflicted with each other. Also sticking to a strict paleo diet; no grains, no dairy, no legumes. On top of that sticking to avoiding foods my body is sensitive to. That list I will get tomorrow!
I have mixed emotions about this. Part of me is excited because it is something that is fixable and can be changed to make me feel better. The other part of me is kind of freaked out that I have this issue. It is a very common issue though. Also exciting that it might help with the athlete's foot that I have. That bothers me too since it has taken me 28 years to get it for the first time, but the candida could also explain that. I am extremely thankful I don't have the yeast infection and UTI problems that typically accompany candida though, that's for sure!
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