Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Great Genocide

That's right, the other night there was a massive genocide. The ants have declared war in my room and so I brought in one of the boys (I live with my old roomie and two boys, she dates one and the other is a good friend) to come in and annihilate the ants with a can of Raid.

Now, I am against using chemicals and through my at home business thing they have some products that are safe and can take care of ants. But, the order would take a week to get here and after the towel incident and those bites I could have waited. When they attacked during my workout and I got bites everywhere was when I drew the line. Even when I went in to go to bed last night one crawled up my leg and bit me!!! These are tiny, tiny ants! I couldn't take it any more. A perimeter of raid was laid down and no ant has moved in the room since.  They didn't go down without a fight though, I think I have at least 25-30 bites at various places on my body and they all itch so bad!!!

The strangest part is my hair ties... I have a package of the clear rubber band like hair elastic things that I brought with me. After setting them on the counter the other day I noticed an ant on the package and thought to myself "what are they going to do with those" and went on. The next day, Thursday, I was curious and flipped over the package where I could see the clear plastic that is attached to the cardboard back... it was CRAWLING with ants. I washed them out with some soap, soaked them, and then let the elastics dry and smashed all the ants that hadn't been washed down the drain. Last night just before the genocide I noticed up on the counter back area where one elastic had fallen out, the ants were like worshiping this one elastic! They swarmed this thing and looked like they were trying to carry it off or something! No clue why they did such a thing, but they are all dead now.

I like to think I'm educated and know about food chains and ecosystems and as long as they aren't bothering me I'm ok letting ants live. They are important. But when they start attacking me and biting me and making me miserable, they gotta go. And went they did. Battle one goes to the can of Raid!

Otherwise, the workouts have been so hard to do! Today I got the hardcore workout boy in the house to do it with me and he was sweating like crazy after just the warm up. After about halfway through he was taking a lot of breaks too. My calves burned so badly today though that it felt like if I tried using them they would just rip in two. I kinda wish I would have packed a measuring tape to record my measurements...

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