So, after everyone in this town has been drinking for 10 days, the festivities ended. I will try to post some pictures later today when I do my daily check in. Typically I do my weigh-in and measurements Sunday mornings when I wake up, but I forgot it was Sunday and took a shower. Wet hair makes me gain a few pounds so I'll wait till this evening.
Speaking of forgetting it is Sunday... I forgot it was Friday the other day and ate 3 beef and bean chimichangas (one for breakfast, two for lunch) and then a chicken quesodilla for dinner. Major fail on following the rules of Lent! But, I have been good on the no sugar thing. Even when my sister came back with a funnel cake covered in powdered sugar which in my mind is so tasty... but I resisted. I stayed strong. I guess my 4 hurricanes did have some sugar in them even though I convinced her not to use the pre-made mixer and to leave out the simple syrup. Those four were spread out just so you know... one on Thursday, one early Saturday afternoon, and then two Saturday night and that is all I drank.
Thursday began a crazy weekend. After hanging out with friends coming in from out of town we decided to get wings from a town 30 miles away. No big deal, we do it once in awhile. So we pile into my car and our friend's car and off we go! It was pouring when we left town and then we proceeded to drive though a horrible rainstorm which rained down so fast at one point there were inches of standing water on the interstate. Then, the rain let off into hail and more and more rain. One exit from our exit we get the severe weather warning describing everything that we had just driven through. Then, our service was totally not worth the trip.
Well, then came Friday. I substituted all day and then worked in the evening. When I got off work I had a message from someone I babysit for once in awhile looking for a babysitter. They own the bar in town and it is one of their busiest weekends. All the friends in town were going to bed at a decent hour so I told them I could come over for the night if they did not mind me crashing on the couch. So I went over there around 11pm and talked to the mom. She was telling me about the people that would be walking back to their house to crash in the basement and set up a plan to unlock the door downstairs for the drunk people later. I then played Draw Something for a bit and the dogs were a little antsy. But, I figured it was just from the frat party next door and so ignored them. Then I heard banging. It seemed to be coming from the metal door in the basement which I was to unlock later in the night. So I ventured downstairs and the banging stopped. I walked into the room where the door was and there were two guys in there. I instantly thought that someone left the bar early and needed in. I asked who they were while staring eye to eye with one of the guys and that is when he said "Let's get out of here," put his hood up and then left.
-----had to leave for lunch, but am now back home from work and not feeling well---
So I went to shut the door behind them and realized that they had kicked in the door and then it clicked. They were not supposed to be there, but were breaking and entering! So I tried to shut the door best I could, ran upstairs to lock the door and then called the parents. I know, I should have called the cops, but it is the night of St. Pat's, the town is partying and since they left I am not sure how long and how much they could do. Plus, the one guy was wearing a green sweatshirt... along with 98% of the town. The dad came home in about 3 minutes and searched the property outside. He did not find anything, but he sat outside for hours while I stayed in with the kids. Once enough of the people they knew showed up so he left and then came back after awhile for the rest of the night so I got to go home. They paid me WAY WAY WAY too much but will not take any of it back claiming it was hazard pay. I think I would have been more freaked out and not so calm had I not been expecting friends of theirs to show up.
Saturday morning I planned on getting up and doing things before the parade started but that did not happen. I ended up sleeping just until the parade was starting and so I woke up the friend staying with us and we rushed to get dressed and to get to the parade. Then it was just exhausting the rest of the day running around and dodging the rain storms.
Sorry to say I am not making it to church this weekend either. I was planning on going to Sunday night mass, but I started to feel the signs of sickness coming on. When I do not get enough sleep I get sick and it all begins with the ears. First my ears feel weird and then my throat hurts. From there I get a massive head cold and have to fight through everything. By the time I got off work I felt horrible. I am now laying on the couch and thinking about making ramin noodles because I am too lazy to cook and soup sounds good. Body measurements may have to wait until tomorrow.
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