Well, I am halfway through Spring Break. Everyone tells me that I do not get a spring break anymore since I am no longer a student but guess what... I went to school to be a teacher, I forever get spring breaks! And summer breaks, and holiday/winter breaks, and Thanksgiving Break. Currently I am substituting and the schools in town are out so I have a spring break. Yes, I still have two nights of work on the side but so.
The first Spring Break Trip to the bf's parent's house went well. We took the long route down there so we could stop and see his grandma in the hospital. She had some surgery last week and we wanted to at least say hi. She is doing well and came home before we had to head back to town. Tuesday was spent outside burning the web worm things out of his mom's fruit trees and then sitting around until after dinner when we decided to go for a ride in the woods. They have a little side by side 4-wheeler kind of thing and so the bf and I crawled in the back while his parents gave me a tour of some of their land, their creek, the old swimming hole where his mom used to swim as a kid, and a few other things we saw along the way. Since I started dating him last fall every trip to his parent's house was either rainy or too cold, or both, so it was nice to be able to get out and do something. I got some pretty pictures and hope to post one soon.
As far as my resolutions... I stuck to enjoying the small stuff! The processed sugar thing went out the window. I tried to limit the sweets, but I would feel rude to not eat all the amazing stuff she makes. Also, it is hard to go to someone's house and make them change what they cook just for me. I would cook and bring my own food, but that would really hurt her feelings probably. I did good until about dinner on Tuesday. She made a spaghetti salad which is mainly some sort of Italian dressing on cooked spaghetti noodles with veggies in it. Sounds weird, but it is good. But, to go with that, she had made some bar-b-que pork I think it was. Well, there was no getting a piece without sauce all over it. the sauce was sweet and honestly, I feel I have had better sauce but I think it only comes from the fact that it was so sweet. Then came dessert...
While there I also had frozen fruit salad from sometime when she last made fruit salad. Unless she added sugar I think I was ok on that. Once there was a tiny sliver of chocolate cake that sounded delicious... until I realized it was a store bought cake. They are never as good as they sound. Tuesday after our ride through the woods and helping get his grandma settled I had some ice cream. I ate cookies and cream ice cream. I figured if I was going to cheat I was going to get both ice cream and oreos! Then Wednesday we stopped in one of the towns on our way home and ate at an asian buffet for lunch with his parents. I figured that I had cheated over the visit, the sauce on my beef and broccoli was sweet for sure, my stomach was already upset and going to be that way, I might as well have a small bowl of ice cream with a small piece of cake. And I was right... my tummy is still upset somewhat from the sugar and such.
I did better there with taking out my contacts than I have been doing at home in the last week. Hopefully that will help me get back on track with that and I suck down water like a fish now!
Today's plan is to get laundry going and get most of the way packed for my trip to Chicago! I am driving to Springfield, Illinois tomorrow to meet up with my dad's cousin and then she is taking me the rest of the way to the city on Saturday. I have a job interview up there to possibly go back to Hawaii for the fall. Right now it is looking like I will get to go back to Hawaii for the month of June to teach so I will probably not take a job there in the fall if I am offered one. I do still want to keep my options open though. The cost of getting everything there again and then leaving the bf and my dog who I really miss and need to take care of just is making going over there for good look so bad. Plus, I would be a little less in debt if I do not try to move there with everything...
A record of life as I begin a year of 52 different New Year's Resolutions. One new one each week.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Week 13: Enjoy the little things
Alright, I will admit, this week's resolution is a little bit of a joke. I need a resolution and am running out of things that would actually be possible for this week. It is the whole "do not set yourself up for failure" kind of thing. This week is spring break and it is jam packed with stuff. Not really, but it feels that way. I worked Sunday after cleaning my room and doing laundry. Then, we had a game night with my sister and her bf. Today began with waking up and getting a few things accomplished then quickly packing clothes up for the first trip this week. My bf and I are going to see his grandma in the hospital and then going on to his parent's house for the next two nights. When I get back it will be straight to work for two nights and then off to Illinois where I will be continuing on to Chicago for the weekend!
But, on my way to my bf's apartment today I decided to ride my bike. My bike is a curious thing. Earlier in the fall my bf and I decided we wanted to go for a bike ride. Neither of us owning a bike began a search for bikes. Craigslist had some for more than we were looking for, so did the local online classifieds. Then, we heard about a thrift store in a near by town which typically have some bikes that just need some fixing. So we both found bikes there. He got a red mountain bike which needed new tires and some oil on the chain. Mine on the other hand is a thing of beauty! It is a faded lime green Murrary 10 speed road bike with half the handle bars green and the other half yellow! It needed new tires, new brakes (complete with cables and handles) and some new gear cables. I decided a $10 bike was worth it.
Well, after spending $30 on new tires and tubes I used a free Amazon gift card that I got from MyPoints and bought a new set of brakes. They are "BMX" brakes, but I put them on anyway and put the handles up on top of the ram's horn kind of handle bars. I do not have new handle bar tape yet so the old brake handles are still on there for now too. Today I rode it for the first time! The bike stayed together and the brakes work! But, next I need to work on the new gear shift cables... I need more than the one gear it is stuck in now.
And, a quick soapbox moment... When exactly do we decide it is ok to feed our kids junk? Baby food is bought because it is few ingredients. Gerber did a whole campaign on tracking where the veggies come from in each jar. They make special baby snacks that are healthier and have less preservatives in them. Parents do not (or should not anyway) allow babies and toddlers to have soda, especially with caffeine. So, when do we decide it is ok to stop all the healthy eating and start feeding them pizza, McDonald's, candy, drink soda, drink coffee, etc? Not saying you let kids drink coffee, but when did you decide that much caffeine was ok for yourself?
This came about when I was babysitting on time and they have a toddler they feed the Gerber meals too because they are easy, quick, and balanced. I understand, it makes sense. But when does the change happen to when it is ok to just eat junk food and not cook or fix meals that are balanced for yourself and the rest of your family? When do you say "OK, enough healthy for you!"?
Alright, off to get more stuff done.
But, on my way to my bf's apartment today I decided to ride my bike. My bike is a curious thing. Earlier in the fall my bf and I decided we wanted to go for a bike ride. Neither of us owning a bike began a search for bikes. Craigslist had some for more than we were looking for, so did the local online classifieds. Then, we heard about a thrift store in a near by town which typically have some bikes that just need some fixing. So we both found bikes there. He got a red mountain bike which needed new tires and some oil on the chain. Mine on the other hand is a thing of beauty! It is a faded lime green Murrary 10 speed road bike with half the handle bars green and the other half yellow! It needed new tires, new brakes (complete with cables and handles) and some new gear cables. I decided a $10 bike was worth it.
Well, after spending $30 on new tires and tubes I used a free Amazon gift card that I got from MyPoints and bought a new set of brakes. They are "BMX" brakes, but I put them on anyway and put the handles up on top of the ram's horn kind of handle bars. I do not have new handle bar tape yet so the old brake handles are still on there for now too. Today I rode it for the first time! The bike stayed together and the brakes work! But, next I need to work on the new gear shift cables... I need more than the one gear it is stuck in now.
And, a quick soapbox moment... When exactly do we decide it is ok to feed our kids junk? Baby food is bought because it is few ingredients. Gerber did a whole campaign on tracking where the veggies come from in each jar. They make special baby snacks that are healthier and have less preservatives in them. Parents do not (or should not anyway) allow babies and toddlers to have soda, especially with caffeine. So, when do we decide it is ok to stop all the healthy eating and start feeding them pizza, McDonald's, candy, drink soda, drink coffee, etc? Not saying you let kids drink coffee, but when did you decide that much caffeine was ok for yourself?
This came about when I was babysitting on time and they have a toddler they feed the Gerber meals too because they are easy, quick, and balanced. I understand, it makes sense. But when does the change happen to when it is ok to just eat junk food and not cook or fix meals that are balanced for yourself and the rest of your family? When do you say "OK, enough healthy for you!"?
Alright, off to get more stuff done.
Today's Plans = foiled
Well, last night before I went to bed I was dead set on getting that garden into planting condition. I even thought about it before I fell asleep and decided to try to just work the ground myself and save the $50 on the tiller. Which, that decision is still to be determined... Well, last night it rained and the boyfriend thought I was a little crazy, but I live with crazy weather and sometimes it will dry up enough over night to not be a problem.
Not the case when it is raining all morning too. :( Does not look like I will be working in the garden today. Instead I think I will be trying to get better (I am in the draining from the head stage!) and planning/pricing my compost bin. I found ideal lumber last night and it is cheap! If I really get board I could work on it under the back deck. The back deck is covered so under it does not really get that wet. It is also a good thing that we mowed the back yard grass really quick yesterday. It was getting really tall and my sis was going to do it today.
Oh, and for those of you who own a home, this is a really cool idea! I think I will do it when I have a place I could actually set it up at. It is a self-watering garden setup using the water that drains from your AC unit inside. I rarely see our AC hose drain any water, it is hard to believe that it could put out so much that is just running down the drain! I bet you could even do it with container gardening and such. The hardest part might be finding the pump they use.
And that surprise I was making for the bf and his roomie... done in time for St. Pat's. Only, I did not get any pictures... fail.
Not the case when it is raining all morning too. :( Does not look like I will be working in the garden today. Instead I think I will be trying to get better (I am in the draining from the head stage!) and planning/pricing my compost bin. I found ideal lumber last night and it is cheap! If I really get board I could work on it under the back deck. The back deck is covered so under it does not really get that wet. It is also a good thing that we mowed the back yard grass really quick yesterday. It was getting really tall and my sis was going to do it today.
Oh, and for those of you who own a home, this is a really cool idea! I think I will do it when I have a place I could actually set it up at. It is a self-watering garden setup using the water that drains from your AC unit inside. I rarely see our AC hose drain any water, it is hard to believe that it could put out so much that is just running down the drain! I bet you could even do it with container gardening and such. The hardest part might be finding the pump they use.
And that surprise I was making for the bf and his roomie... done in time for St. Pat's. Only, I did not get any pictures... fail.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Week 12...
So, I am going to break my New Year's Resolution a little bit. More like I am going to bend the rules. I am horribly sick and just not feeling up to doing anything. But, this week and next (Spring Break) is going to be spent focused on getting better and getting my garden ready.
I am taking over the garden at my sister's house and making it my own. Today I dug out the trees that began to grow. See, it needed taking over. Tomorrow's plan is to finish digging up the 1/3 of the edging and then go rent a tiller. Hopefully I will be able to get it tilled tomorrow and that will make me happy. This way when I get back from Chicago at the end of spring break I can work on planting some more plants. Originally I logged on here to check out my list of hopeful plants to go in my garden to see what else I need to get and when I should plant them. I am starting some inside and others are going to be planted from seed right outside. Cheap garden is the theme!
I am taking over the garden at my sister's house and making it my own. Today I dug out the trees that began to grow. See, it needed taking over. Tomorrow's plan is to finish digging up the 1/3 of the edging and then go rent a tiller. Hopefully I will be able to get it tilled tomorrow and that will make me happy. This way when I get back from Chicago at the end of spring break I can work on planting some more plants. Originally I logged on here to check out my list of hopeful plants to go in my garden to see what else I need to get and when I should plant them. I am starting some inside and others are going to be planted from seed right outside. Cheap garden is the theme!
Monday, March 19, 2012
This week...
It is already Monday and I do not have a resolution for this week. :( I am also not sure what I am going to be able to do besides sleep... a lot.
I am officially sick. I have all the same symptoms and problems I get every time I fall behind on sleep. I think my vitamins were helping to hold it off as long as they could, but after a week of substituting, and 4 days of being up late due to others partying and then hanging out with friends, I have fallen ill. I figured out in my second year of college why I would get horribly sick with the same thing every so often. I would get hit with this every year in the winter and then typically again in the spring. Everyone thought this is how my body was reacting to whatever was going around at the time. The only problem is I realized a pattern to every time. First my ears bother me, then my throat hurts, then my sinuses fill completely, then they drain, then my chest is filled from the draining, then I hack it up and I am over it. Same thing every time. My mom took me in to the doctor a few times for it finally and they thought I had mono. After all, according to the Mayo Clinic's website, I have 7 out of 11 symptoms and if I ever got fevers in my life I would probably have 8. I would get a blood test done and they would come back with no signs of mono, just some virus that is passing through.
After being horribly sick a few times in college with the same thing I began to realize it came after having a lack of sleep. The sooner I forced myself to sleep a lot, the faster the sickness would pass. Then, I tried to just sleep and could actually hold it off all together. If I sleep my needed 8-9 hours a night on a regular basis I am just fine and really do not get anything that is being passed around even. But, a couple nights of less than 8-9 hours and I am sick with what I have now.
Let me just say this has been a source of a lot of frustration and sadness. What college kid cannot go out with friends every weekend because they get sick if they do? Who in college does not want to pull an all-nighter for something at some time but cannot because they know if they do, they will miss a few days of classes to sleep off the sickness that comes later. I always, and still now, have to be the party pooper who goes to bed instead of staying up with everyone. It frustrates me to no end! This is why I want to have the food sensitivity test done. I want to know if there is something I am eating that causes me to need this much sleep. Is there something I can do to be able to do 4 nights of 5 hours of sleep and not feel like my head is being crushed and my throat is peeling off?
I am officially sick. I have all the same symptoms and problems I get every time I fall behind on sleep. I think my vitamins were helping to hold it off as long as they could, but after a week of substituting, and 4 days of being up late due to others partying and then hanging out with friends, I have fallen ill. I figured out in my second year of college why I would get horribly sick with the same thing every so often. I would get hit with this every year in the winter and then typically again in the spring. Everyone thought this is how my body was reacting to whatever was going around at the time. The only problem is I realized a pattern to every time. First my ears bother me, then my throat hurts, then my sinuses fill completely, then they drain, then my chest is filled from the draining, then I hack it up and I am over it. Same thing every time. My mom took me in to the doctor a few times for it finally and they thought I had mono. After all, according to the Mayo Clinic's website, I have 7 out of 11 symptoms and if I ever got fevers in my life I would probably have 8. I would get a blood test done and they would come back with no signs of mono, just some virus that is passing through.
After being horribly sick a few times in college with the same thing I began to realize it came after having a lack of sleep. The sooner I forced myself to sleep a lot, the faster the sickness would pass. Then, I tried to just sleep and could actually hold it off all together. If I sleep my needed 8-9 hours a night on a regular basis I am just fine and really do not get anything that is being passed around even. But, a couple nights of less than 8-9 hours and I am sick with what I have now.
Let me just say this has been a source of a lot of frustration and sadness. What college kid cannot go out with friends every weekend because they get sick if they do? Who in college does not want to pull an all-nighter for something at some time but cannot because they know if they do, they will miss a few days of classes to sleep off the sickness that comes later. I always, and still now, have to be the party pooper who goes to bed instead of staying up with everyone. It frustrates me to no end! This is why I want to have the food sensitivity test done. I want to know if there is something I am eating that causes me to need this much sleep. Is there something I can do to be able to do 4 nights of 5 hours of sleep and not feel like my head is being crushed and my throat is peeling off?
Sunday, March 18, 2012
The St. Pat's Festivities are over...
So, after everyone in this town has been drinking for 10 days, the festivities ended. I will try to post some pictures later today when I do my daily check in. Typically I do my weigh-in and measurements Sunday mornings when I wake up, but I forgot it was Sunday and took a shower. Wet hair makes me gain a few pounds so I'll wait till this evening.
Speaking of forgetting it is Sunday... I forgot it was Friday the other day and ate 3 beef and bean chimichangas (one for breakfast, two for lunch) and then a chicken quesodilla for dinner. Major fail on following the rules of Lent! But, I have been good on the no sugar thing. Even when my sister came back with a funnel cake covered in powdered sugar which in my mind is so tasty... but I resisted. I stayed strong. I guess my 4 hurricanes did have some sugar in them even though I convinced her not to use the pre-made mixer and to leave out the simple syrup. Those four were spread out just so you know... one on Thursday, one early Saturday afternoon, and then two Saturday night and that is all I drank.
Thursday began a crazy weekend. After hanging out with friends coming in from out of town we decided to get wings from a town 30 miles away. No big deal, we do it once in awhile. So we pile into my car and our friend's car and off we go! It was pouring when we left town and then we proceeded to drive though a horrible rainstorm which rained down so fast at one point there were inches of standing water on the interstate. Then, the rain let off into hail and more and more rain. One exit from our exit we get the severe weather warning describing everything that we had just driven through. Then, our service was totally not worth the trip.
Well, then came Friday. I substituted all day and then worked in the evening. When I got off work I had a message from someone I babysit for once in awhile looking for a babysitter. They own the bar in town and it is one of their busiest weekends. All the friends in town were going to bed at a decent hour so I told them I could come over for the night if they did not mind me crashing on the couch. So I went over there around 11pm and talked to the mom. She was telling me about the people that would be walking back to their house to crash in the basement and set up a plan to unlock the door downstairs for the drunk people later. I then played Draw Something for a bit and the dogs were a little antsy. But, I figured it was just from the frat party next door and so ignored them. Then I heard banging. It seemed to be coming from the metal door in the basement which I was to unlock later in the night. So I ventured downstairs and the banging stopped. I walked into the room where the door was and there were two guys in there. I instantly thought that someone left the bar early and needed in. I asked who they were while staring eye to eye with one of the guys and that is when he said "Let's get out of here," put his hood up and then left.
-----had to leave for lunch, but am now back home from work and not feeling well---
So I went to shut the door behind them and realized that they had kicked in the door and then it clicked. They were not supposed to be there, but were breaking and entering! So I tried to shut the door best I could, ran upstairs to lock the door and then called the parents. I know, I should have called the cops, but it is the night of St. Pat's, the town is partying and since they left I am not sure how long and how much they could do. Plus, the one guy was wearing a green sweatshirt... along with 98% of the town. The dad came home in about 3 minutes and searched the property outside. He did not find anything, but he sat outside for hours while I stayed in with the kids. Once enough of the people they knew showed up so he left and then came back after awhile for the rest of the night so I got to go home. They paid me WAY WAY WAY too much but will not take any of it back claiming it was hazard pay. I think I would have been more freaked out and not so calm had I not been expecting friends of theirs to show up.
Saturday morning I planned on getting up and doing things before the parade started but that did not happen. I ended up sleeping just until the parade was starting and so I woke up the friend staying with us and we rushed to get dressed and to get to the parade. Then it was just exhausting the rest of the day running around and dodging the rain storms.
Sorry to say I am not making it to church this weekend either. I was planning on going to Sunday night mass, but I started to feel the signs of sickness coming on. When I do not get enough sleep I get sick and it all begins with the ears. First my ears feel weird and then my throat hurts. From there I get a massive head cold and have to fight through everything. By the time I got off work I felt horrible. I am now laying on the couch and thinking about making ramin noodles because I am too lazy to cook and soup sounds good. Body measurements may have to wait until tomorrow.
Speaking of forgetting it is Sunday... I forgot it was Friday the other day and ate 3 beef and bean chimichangas (one for breakfast, two for lunch) and then a chicken quesodilla for dinner. Major fail on following the rules of Lent! But, I have been good on the no sugar thing. Even when my sister came back with a funnel cake covered in powdered sugar which in my mind is so tasty... but I resisted. I stayed strong. I guess my 4 hurricanes did have some sugar in them even though I convinced her not to use the pre-made mixer and to leave out the simple syrup. Those four were spread out just so you know... one on Thursday, one early Saturday afternoon, and then two Saturday night and that is all I drank.
Thursday began a crazy weekend. After hanging out with friends coming in from out of town we decided to get wings from a town 30 miles away. No big deal, we do it once in awhile. So we pile into my car and our friend's car and off we go! It was pouring when we left town and then we proceeded to drive though a horrible rainstorm which rained down so fast at one point there were inches of standing water on the interstate. Then, the rain let off into hail and more and more rain. One exit from our exit we get the severe weather warning describing everything that we had just driven through. Then, our service was totally not worth the trip.
Well, then came Friday. I substituted all day and then worked in the evening. When I got off work I had a message from someone I babysit for once in awhile looking for a babysitter. They own the bar in town and it is one of their busiest weekends. All the friends in town were going to bed at a decent hour so I told them I could come over for the night if they did not mind me crashing on the couch. So I went over there around 11pm and talked to the mom. She was telling me about the people that would be walking back to their house to crash in the basement and set up a plan to unlock the door downstairs for the drunk people later. I then played Draw Something for a bit and the dogs were a little antsy. But, I figured it was just from the frat party next door and so ignored them. Then I heard banging. It seemed to be coming from the metal door in the basement which I was to unlock later in the night. So I ventured downstairs and the banging stopped. I walked into the room where the door was and there were two guys in there. I instantly thought that someone left the bar early and needed in. I asked who they were while staring eye to eye with one of the guys and that is when he said "Let's get out of here," put his hood up and then left.
-----had to leave for lunch, but am now back home from work and not feeling well---
So I went to shut the door behind them and realized that they had kicked in the door and then it clicked. They were not supposed to be there, but were breaking and entering! So I tried to shut the door best I could, ran upstairs to lock the door and then called the parents. I know, I should have called the cops, but it is the night of St. Pat's, the town is partying and since they left I am not sure how long and how much they could do. Plus, the one guy was wearing a green sweatshirt... along with 98% of the town. The dad came home in about 3 minutes and searched the property outside. He did not find anything, but he sat outside for hours while I stayed in with the kids. Once enough of the people they knew showed up so he left and then came back after awhile for the rest of the night so I got to go home. They paid me WAY WAY WAY too much but will not take any of it back claiming it was hazard pay. I think I would have been more freaked out and not so calm had I not been expecting friends of theirs to show up.
Saturday morning I planned on getting up and doing things before the parade started but that did not happen. I ended up sleeping just until the parade was starting and so I woke up the friend staying with us and we rushed to get dressed and to get to the parade. Then it was just exhausting the rest of the day running around and dodging the rain storms.
Sorry to say I am not making it to church this weekend either. I was planning on going to Sunday night mass, but I started to feel the signs of sickness coming on. When I do not get enough sleep I get sick and it all begins with the ears. First my ears feel weird and then my throat hurts. From there I get a massive head cold and have to fight through everything. By the time I got off work I felt horrible. I am now laying on the couch and thinking about making ramin noodles because I am too lazy to cook and soup sounds good. Body measurements may have to wait until tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
I have officially been given a case of spring fever. I think I got it from work to be honest, but this weather lately has let the fever really settle in. I planted some seeds indoors the other day and they are now beginning to sprout. I am SO excited to have stuff in the garden for the summer. But, with my plans for a garden also comes a plan for my compost bin. My sis gave me the ok and so now I am in the design phase.
The compost bin has a place to go in the yard already so I have somewhat of a size limit. I would also like it to be decently portable meaning not five hundred pounds. We have racoons in the neighborhood so it must have a lid to try and deter them and it must have "closed" sides to keep the ogs from tearing through it. So, a simple wooden frame with 3/4" mesh I think will do with a lid. I also want tto get a kitchen counter compost bucket to keep at my boyfriend's house but he told me I had to get permission from the friend that will soon be taking his roomie's place. Tonight, I asked his roomie. Before I talk about his answer I must add in that it is St. Pat's week and so the drinking in this town began last Wednesday so we were at a bar and neither of us had really been drinking, but it is not the place to strike up serious conversations. He said as long as it did not smell he would be ok with it. My plan is to empty it regularly into the other one anyway. He also told me that he probably would not use it. Now, I am sure I will convince him to try to use it sometimes. Plus, it will sit next to the trash can so it will just be a choice between the trash or the compost bin. He then asked if I was one of those environment freaks. Now, I understand some are more radical than others, but I feel I am no where near radical and honestly I would be stoned for trying to say I was! I am just doing small things that help me and the environment at the same time. Plastic bags? Who really, honestly needs a billion bags around their house? If I am growing a garden, a compost pile is free fertilizer! I just love my fruits and veggies.
I also had a phone call while I was at work this evening about a job interview. So, I'll call back tomorrow and see what that brings but I may not even be here to bother him about this next school year. And, I know he and I will get along since we both enjoy cooking for others and enjoy a good dinner gathering. Also, as much as it may seem opposite, I too enjoy a clean house. So, I am sure him living with the boyfriend will be a fun time. :)
ps. I apologize for any errors in my spelling or grammar. I typed this without my contacts in and have I mentioned I am blind?
The compost bin has a place to go in the yard already so I have somewhat of a size limit. I would also like it to be decently portable meaning not five hundred pounds. We have racoons in the neighborhood so it must have a lid to try and deter them and it must have "closed" sides to keep the ogs from tearing through it. So, a simple wooden frame with 3/4" mesh I think will do with a lid. I also want tto get a kitchen counter compost bucket to keep at my boyfriend's house but he told me I had to get permission from the friend that will soon be taking his roomie's place. Tonight, I asked his roomie. Before I talk about his answer I must add in that it is St. Pat's week and so the drinking in this town began last Wednesday so we were at a bar and neither of us had really been drinking, but it is not the place to strike up serious conversations. He said as long as it did not smell he would be ok with it. My plan is to empty it regularly into the other one anyway. He also told me that he probably would not use it. Now, I am sure I will convince him to try to use it sometimes. Plus, it will sit next to the trash can so it will just be a choice between the trash or the compost bin. He then asked if I was one of those environment freaks. Now, I understand some are more radical than others, but I feel I am no where near radical and honestly I would be stoned for trying to say I was! I am just doing small things that help me and the environment at the same time. Plastic bags? Who really, honestly needs a billion bags around their house? If I am growing a garden, a compost pile is free fertilizer! I just love my fruits and veggies.
I also had a phone call while I was at work this evening about a job interview. So, I'll call back tomorrow and see what that brings but I may not even be here to bother him about this next school year. And, I know he and I will get along since we both enjoy cooking for others and enjoy a good dinner gathering. Also, as much as it may seem opposite, I too enjoy a clean house. So, I am sure him living with the boyfriend will be a fun time. :)
ps. I apologize for any errors in my spelling or grammar. I typed this without my contacts in and have I mentioned I am blind?
Monday, March 12, 2012
Week 11: Water!
Alright, being inspired by I Miss my Collar Bone, I feel like I should drink more water. A gallon a day seems a bit much for me, but since starting a job where I am definately toning my legs, I am thirsty a lot more. I suck down water like a fish! ...I also pee like ... like something that pees alot! So, my goal is at least 2 bottles of water a day. I carry a 24 oz bottle with my usually and so two of those would be a minimum. We'll see how it goes.
In other news, I got my workout on Sunday! While at work I got to work closing and we were moving pallets from the loading area to the store floor. First I got to try and move a pallet with a pallet jack that had a broken wheel. Nothing makes a girl look weaker than trying to pull a lightweight pallet on a pallet jack and I am at about a 45 degree angle trying to pull this thing with all I have and it is barely moving!!! Finally they let me switch out pallet jacks and I get one that slowly lowers itself. So I am now dragging the pallet along the floor pretty much and it is so hard to move it!!! After that one gets hauled all the way across the store and I am beginning to sweat, they give me a good one and man was that easy!!! My arms are a little sore still from all that effort. :)
Well, between work and substituting all week along with St. Pat's festivities it is tiring and I should go to bed. But, first, I have homework! Tomorrow I am substituting in a chem/physics class and the teacher (who I had in high school) is letting me actually teach and expand on a concept he is teaching. So, I got to brush up on Molarity and how to do the calculations.
In other news, I got my workout on Sunday! While at work I got to work closing and we were moving pallets from the loading area to the store floor. First I got to try and move a pallet with a pallet jack that had a broken wheel. Nothing makes a girl look weaker than trying to pull a lightweight pallet on a pallet jack and I am at about a 45 degree angle trying to pull this thing with all I have and it is barely moving!!! Finally they let me switch out pallet jacks and I get one that slowly lowers itself. So I am now dragging the pallet along the floor pretty much and it is so hard to move it!!! After that one gets hauled all the way across the store and I am beginning to sweat, they give me a good one and man was that easy!!! My arms are a little sore still from all that effort. :)
Well, between work and substituting all week along with St. Pat's festivities it is tiring and I should go to bed. But, first, I have homework! Tomorrow I am substituting in a chem/physics class and the teacher (who I had in high school) is letting me actually teach and expand on a concept he is teaching. So, I got to brush up on Molarity and how to do the calculations.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Results from Last Night
Alright, an update on yesterday's attempt at Head Band Curls.
Overall, I am kind of impressed with the style. But, then again, my hair will hold any crease or wave or curl you put in it. I was actually worried about the crease caused by the headband but my hair puffed up over it so it made it look more like part of the curls.
And, I never realized how sexual Oliva Newton-John's song Physical really is. I guess I have not heard it in a long time either. But, it is written in a way with a video that makes you think it is more innocent than it is. Kind of how I thought LMFAO's Sexy and I Know It was a great confidence booster... that was until I saw the video. Caution... it will change your life and you will see things that can never be unseen lol.
Off to work and excited for my measurements tomorrow!!! :)
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After sleeping on it all night. You can see how frizzy it was. (I had to get creative to get a good pic.) |
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I remind myself of Olivia Newton-John. |
lol. and yes, I had to then listen to the song.... |
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Make-shift shower cap out of a wal-mart bag. |
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After I fluffed them a little and added a clip. Man did my hair scrunch up though. |
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You can see a little bit of the wave caused by the braid I wore yesterday but I think it added to the hairstyle. |
And, I never realized how sexual Oliva Newton-John's song Physical really is. I guess I have not heard it in a long time either. But, it is written in a way with a video that makes you think it is more innocent than it is. Kind of how I thought LMFAO's Sexy and I Know It was a great confidence booster... that was until I saw the video. Caution... it will change your life and you will see things that can never be unseen lol.
Off to work and excited for my measurements tomorrow!!! :)
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