I was asked a few weeks ago what my New Year's Resolution was going to be and I couldn't answer. I hadn't thought about it yet so over the holidays my plan was to come up with a resolution for the new year. My problem became that there are so many things I wanted to change that I can't pick just one. Then it hit me...
This year's New Year's Resolution is not one thing, or two, or even three, but 52. I resolve to add one resolution each week of 2012. I'm going to have to work on a list though.
I decided to start this blog to talk to myself and to keep track of progress on all of the resolutions I make. I don't know if anyone will actually read this, but if nothing else maybe someone will and can offer suggestions or tips.
A little about me...
I'm currently a substitute teacher. I recently graduated from college with a Bachelor's in Education and didn't get paperwork pushed through fast enough to get a job for this year. I instead moved into my sister's basement in the midwest and sub at a few of the local schools. My boyfriend is currently going to school here in town and we met just this last summer. I'm sure I'll add more about me as I go on, but I feel like these are the important factors that may hinder some of my current resolution ideas.